AVAX USDC to ETH USDC18-11-2024
The Joe’s journey to swap from AVAX network into the Ethereum network thanks to celer
Websockets - Kachow!16-09-2024
Unprotected websocket challange from a hacking website, dissecting what websockets are and finding vulnerabilities like CSWSH
Kubernetes from scratch25-08-2024
Basic setup for a development kubernetes cluster explained
Github Runners + AWS OIDC provider25-06-2024
OpenIDConnect provider for AWS. Need the standard manner for your github runners to interact with your AWS account? Here’s your quick guide!
Abstract sockets30-11-2023
Why abstract sockets exist only in the namespace of the local machine and are not associated with a physical file.
Cgroups view23-07-2023
Explanation of Cgroups and sights about how do they work.
Angular XSS DOM BASED07-08-2022
Explanation of XSS Angular DOM based vulnerability.
XSS DOM BASED12-09-2021
Explanation of how DOM-Based XSS vulnerabilities work.
SSH Guard16-08-2021
Creating a ssh guard which will tell us whenever a user logs in/out from our server.
XSS Vulnerabilities23-07-2021
Explanation of some XSS Vulnerabilities
Stack-Based Buffer Overflow09-02-2021
Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Attacks Explained
Deploying an application with kubernetes and a volume.
Continuous integration21-10-2020
CI with flask, nginx, postgis and angular.